Thursday, March 26, 2009

Equal ?

I was busy searching for scholarships the other day and was left frustrated, disgusted, sickened and dismayed by the fact that we, communication students, have very few option to obtain or even apply for one.

I was sickened with the reality that we are underrated as a human being. Every time i get to a scholarship, the criteria will just pull me down. I feel that communication students should be given equal rights to apply for a scholarship and i still don't understand why other courses get the benefit to apply? Are we uneducated ? Are we not up to par with other students from other courses ? Do you think that we are so rich that we don't need scholarships to fund our course ?

I mean, we can contribute as well as the other courses. So why must you leave, not only us, but some other unpopular courses out of your scholarship requirements. I know that we are capable to succeed and take responsibilities equally well as the other students from the courses you gave a go-ahead. If only we can open up our eyes and hearts to something new, futuristic and innovative.

Sometimes i wonder are we still in the past, before post-modernism.


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